The acute stroke unit is a neuro-emergency unit providing coordinated specialist assessment and treatment for people who have had a new suspected stroke. Our ethos is to provide specialist personalized stoke care in a timely and efficient manner to ensure early recovery, improve independence and prevent stroke recurrence. We work as a team with you and your family to plan the best care for your needs from initial treatment through to discharge from the hospital.

On the Acute stroke unit, we provide the following:
✓ Acute monitoring up to the first 72hrs, as required. We may need to monitor your blood
pressure, pulse, temperature, breathing rate, conscious level, level of oxygen.
✓ Investigations to identify the type of stroke you have had and possible reasons for your

✓ We will identify the most appropriate treatment pathway for you. We have close links with neuroradiology and neurosurgeons to ensure prompt diagnosis and treatment.
Thrombolysis treatment as required.
✓ Early assessment and rehabilitation by therapist. We help you set goals for therapy to improve your independence.
✓ Optimum monitoring of ongoing rehabilitation with continued care until you are fit to be discharged home. While we provide rehabilitation service close to home.
Unfortunately, some strokes are devastating, and we ensure appropriate palliative care on the ward if necessary.